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Requires Authentication
The following routes are available for this service:
All Verbs/my-session
import java.math.*
import java.util.*
import net.servicestack.client.*

open class SessionInfo : IGet

open class SessionInfoResponse
    var created:Date? = null
    var id:String? = null
    var referrerUrl:String? = null
    var userAuthId:String? = null
    var userAuthName:String? = null
    var userName:String? = null
    var displayName:String? = null
    var firstName:String? = null
    var lastName:String? = null
    var email:String? = null
    var createdAt:Date? = null
    var lastModified:Date? = null
    var roles:ArrayList<String> = ArrayList<String>()
    var permissions:ArrayList<String> = ArrayList<String>()
    var isAuthenticated:Boolean? = null
    var authProvider:String? = null
    var profileUrl:String? = null
    var githubProfileUrl:String? = null
    var twitterProfileUrl:String? = null
    var accessToken:String? = null
    var avatarUrl:String? = null
    var techStacks:ArrayList<TechnologyStack> = ArrayList<TechnologyStack>()
    var favoriteTechStacks:ArrayList<TechnologyStack> = ArrayList<TechnologyStack>()
    var favoriteTechnologies:ArrayList<Technology> = ArrayList<Technology>()
    var userActivity:UserActivity? = null
    var members:ArrayList<OrganizationMember> = ArrayList<OrganizationMember>()
    var memberInvites:ArrayList<OrganizationMemberInvite> = ArrayList<OrganizationMemberInvite>()
    var subscriptions:ArrayList<OrganizationSubscription> = ArrayList<OrganizationSubscription>()
    var responseStatus:ResponseStatus? = null

open class TechnologyStack : TechnologyStackBase()
    var id:Long? = null
    var name:String? = null
    var vendorName:String? = null
    var description:String? = null
    var appUrl:String? = null
    var screenshotUrl:String? = null
    var created:Date? = null
    var createdBy:String? = null
    var lastModified:Date? = null
    var lastModifiedBy:String? = null
    var isLocked:Boolean? = null
    var ownerId:String? = null
    var slug:String? = null
    var details:String? = null

    var detailsHtml:String? = null

    var lastStatusUpdate:Date? = null
    var organizationId:Int? = null
    var commentsPostId:Long? = null
    var viewCount:Int? = null
    var favCount:Int? = null

open class TechnologyStackBase
    var id:Long? = null
    var name:String? = null
    var vendorName:String? = null
    var description:String? = null
    var appUrl:String? = null
    var screenshotUrl:String? = null
    var created:Date? = null
    var createdBy:String? = null
    var lastModified:Date? = null
    var lastModifiedBy:String? = null
    var isLocked:Boolean? = null
    var ownerId:String? = null
    var slug:String? = null
    var details:String? = null

    var detailsHtml:String? = null

    var lastStatusUpdate:Date? = null
    var organizationId:Int? = null
    var commentsPostId:Long? = null
    var viewCount:Int? = null
    var favCount:Int? = null

open class Technology : TechnologyBase()
    var id:Long? = null
    var name:String? = null
    var vendorName:String? = null
    var vendorUrl:String? = null
    var productUrl:String? = null
    var logoUrl:String? = null
    var description:String? = null
    var created:Date? = null
    var createdBy:String? = null
    var lastModified:Date? = null
    var lastModifiedBy:String? = null
    var ownerId:String? = null
    var slug:String? = null
    var logoApproved:Boolean? = null
    var isLocked:Boolean? = null
    var tier:TechnologyTier? = null
    var lastStatusUpdate:Date? = null
    var organizationId:Int? = null
    var commentsPostId:Long? = null
    var viewCount:Int? = null
    var favCount:Int? = null

open class TechnologyBase
    var id:Long? = null
    var name:String? = null
    var vendorName:String? = null
    var vendorUrl:String? = null
    var productUrl:String? = null
    var logoUrl:String? = null
    var description:String? = null
    var created:Date? = null
    var createdBy:String? = null
    var lastModified:Date? = null
    var lastModifiedBy:String? = null
    var ownerId:String? = null
    var slug:String? = null
    var logoApproved:Boolean? = null
    var isLocked:Boolean? = null
    var tier:TechnologyTier? = null
    var lastStatusUpdate:Date? = null
    var organizationId:Int? = null
    var commentsPostId:Long? = null
    var viewCount:Int? = null
    var favCount:Int? = null

enum class TechnologyTier

open class UserActivity
    var id:Int? = null
    var userName:String? = null
    var karma:Int? = null
    var technologyCount:Int? = null
    var techStacksCount:Int? = null
    var postsCount:Int? = null
    var postUpVotes:Int? = null
    var postDownVotes:Int? = null
    var commentUpVotes:Int? = null
    var commentDownVotes:Int? = null
    var postCommentsCount:Int? = null
    var pinnedCommentCount:Int? = null
    var postReportCount:Int? = null
    var postCommentReportCount:Int? = null
    var created:Date? = null
    var modified:Date? = null

open class OrganizationMember
    var id:Int? = null
    var organizationId:Int? = null
    var userId:Int? = null
    var userName:String? = null
    var isOwner:Boolean? = null
    var isModerator:Boolean? = null
    var denyAll:Boolean? = null
    var denyPosts:Boolean? = null
    var denyComments:Boolean? = null
    var notes:String? = null

open class OrganizationMemberInvite
    var id:Int? = null
    var organizationId:Int? = null
    var userId:Int? = null
    var userName:String? = null
    var dismissed:Date? = null

open class OrganizationSubscription
    var id:Long? = null
    var organizationId:Int? = null
    var userId:Int? = null
    var userName:String? = null
    var postTypes:ArrayList<String>? = null
    var frequencyDays:Int? = null
    var lastSyncedId:Long? = null
    var lastSynced:Date? = null
    var created:Date? = null

Kotlin SessionInfo DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .json suffix or ?format=json

To embed the response in a jsonp callback, append ?callback=myCallback


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /my-session HTTP/1.1 
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length
