All Verbs | /overview |
import Foundation
import ServiceStack
public class Overview : IGet, Codable
public var reload:Bool
required public init(){}
public class OverviewResponse : Codable
public var created:Date
public var topUsers:[UserInfo]
public var topTechnologies:[TechnologyInfo]
public var latestTechStacks:[TechStackDetails]
public var popularTechStacks:[TechnologyStack]
public var allOrganizations:[OrganizationInfo]
public var topTechnologiesByTier:[String:[TechnologyInfo]]
public var responseStatus:ResponseStatus
required public init(){}
public class UserInfo : Codable
public var userName:String
public var avatarUrl:String
public var stacksCount:Int
required public init(){}
public class TechnologyInfo : Codable
public var tier:TechnologyTier
public var slug:String
public var name:String
public var logoUrl:String
public var stacksCount:Int
required public init(){}
public enum TechnologyTier : String, Codable
case ProgrammingLanguage
case Client
case Http
case Server
case Data
case SoftwareInfrastructure
case OperatingSystem
case HardwareInfrastructure
case ThirdPartyServices
public class TechStackDetails : TechnologyStackBase
public var technologyChoices:[TechnologyInStack]
required public init(){ super.init() }
private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
case technologyChoices
required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
try super.init(from: decoder)
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
technologyChoices = try container.decodeIfPresent([TechnologyInStack].self, forKey: .technologyChoices) ?? []
public override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
try super.encode(to: encoder)
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
if technologyChoices != nil { try container.encode(technologyChoices, forKey: .technologyChoices) }
public class TechnologyStackBase : Codable
public var id:Int
public var name:String
public var vendorName:String
public var Description:String
public var appUrl:String
public var screenshotUrl:String
public var created:Date
public var createdBy:String
public var lastModified:Date
public var lastModifiedBy:String
public var isLocked:Bool
public var ownerId:String
public var slug:String
// @StringLength(Int32.max)
public var details:String
// @StringLength(Int32.max)
public var detailsHtml:String
public var lastStatusUpdate:Date?
public var organizationId:Int?
public var commentsPostId:Int?
public var viewCount:Int
public var favCount:Int
required public init(){}
public class TechnologyInStack : TechnologyBase
public var technologyId:Int
public var technologyStackId:Int
public var justification:String
required public init(){ super.init() }
private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
case technologyId
case technologyStackId
case justification
required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
try super.init(from: decoder)
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
technologyId = try container.decodeIfPresent(Int.self, forKey: .technologyId)
technologyStackId = try container.decodeIfPresent(Int.self, forKey: .technologyStackId)
justification = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .justification)
public override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
try super.encode(to: encoder)
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
if technologyId != nil { try container.encode(technologyId, forKey: .technologyId) }
if technologyStackId != nil { try container.encode(technologyStackId, forKey: .technologyStackId) }
if justification != nil { try container.encode(justification, forKey: .justification) }
public class TechnologyBase : Codable
public var id:Int
public var name:String
public var vendorName:String
public var vendorUrl:String
public var productUrl:String
public var logoUrl:String
public var Description:String
public var created:Date
public var createdBy:String
public var lastModified:Date
public var lastModifiedBy:String
public var ownerId:String
public var slug:String
public var logoApproved:Bool
public var isLocked:Bool
public var tier:TechnologyTier
public var lastStatusUpdate:Date?
public var organizationId:Int?
public var commentsPostId:Int?
public var viewCount:Int
public var favCount:Int
required public init(){}
public class TechnologyStack : TechnologyStackBase
required public init(){ super.init() }
required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
try super.init(from: decoder)
public override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
try super.encode(to: encoder)
public class OrganizationInfo : Codable
public var id:Int
public var name:String
public var slug:String
public var refId:Int?
public var refSource:String
public var upVotes:Int?
public var downVotes:Int?
public var membersCount:Int
public var rank:Int
public var disableInvites:Bool?
public var lang:String
public var postTypes:[String]
public var moderatorPostTypes:[String]
public var locked:Date?
public var labels:[LabelInfo]
public var categories:[CategoryInfo]
required public init(){}
public class LabelInfo : Codable
public var slug:String
public var color:String
required public init(){}
public class CategoryInfo : Codable
public var id:Int
public var name:String
public var slug:String
required public init(){}
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /overview HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/jsv
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length
reload: False
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/jsv Content-Length: length { created: 0001-01-01, topUsers: [ { userName: String, avatarUrl: String, stacksCount: 0 } ], topTechnologies: [ { tier: ProgrammingLanguage, slug: String, name: String, logoUrl: String, stacksCount: 0 } ], latestTechStacks: [ { technologyChoices: [ { technologyId: 0, technologyStackId: 0, justification: String, id: 0, name: String, vendorName: String, vendorUrl: String, productUrl: String, logoUrl: String, description: String, created: 0001-01-01, createdBy: String, lastModified: 0001-01-01, lastModifiedBy: String, ownerId: String, slug: String, logoApproved: False, isLocked: False, tier: ProgrammingLanguage, lastStatusUpdate: 0001-01-01, organizationId: 0, commentsPostId: 0, viewCount: 0, favCount: 0 } ], id: 0, name: String, vendorName: String, description: String, appUrl: String, screenshotUrl: String, created: 0001-01-01, createdBy: String, lastModified: 0001-01-01, lastModifiedBy: String, isLocked: False, ownerId: String, slug: String, details: String, detailsHtml: String, lastStatusUpdate: 0001-01-01, organizationId: 0, commentsPostId: 0, viewCount: 0, favCount: 0 } ], popularTechStacks: [ { id: 0, name: String, vendorName: String, description: String, appUrl: String, screenshotUrl: String, created: 0001-01-01, createdBy: String, lastModified: 0001-01-01, lastModifiedBy: String, isLocked: False, ownerId: String, slug: String, details: String, detailsHtml: String, lastStatusUpdate: 0001-01-01, organizationId: 0, commentsPostId: 0, viewCount: 0, favCount: 0 } ], allOrganizations: [ { id: 0, name: String, slug: String, refId: 0, refSource: String, upVotes: 0, downVotes: 0, membersCount: 0, rank: 0, disableInvites: False, lang: String, postTypes: [ String ], moderatorPostTypes: [ String ], locked: 0001-01-01, labels: [ { slug: String, color: String } ], categories: [ { id: 0, name: String, slug: String } ] } ], topTechnologiesByTier: { String: [ { tier: ProgrammingLanguage, slug: String, name: String, logoUrl: String, stacksCount: 0 } ] }, responseStatus: { errorCode: String, message: String, stackTrace: String, errors: [ { errorCode: String, fieldName: String, message: String, meta: { String: String } } ], meta: { String: String } } }